How to Create ASN and ASBN in Oracle R12

Advance Shipment and Billing Notices

Important Points for Creating ASBN

1.       Supplier cannot be flagged for pay on receipt.
2.       The consigned flag cannot be equal to ‘Y’.
3.       The match option cannot be equal to ‘R’ (Match on Receipt) for any of the Order Shipments

1.       Create an PO With Multiple Shipments
2.       Approve
Supplier cannot be flagged for pay on receipt.
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Terms —> “Pay On” Should be Null
The consigned flag cannot be equal to ‘Y’.
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Shipments
Go to More Tab “Consigned” Flag Should be Null.

4.       The match option cannot be equal to ‘R’ (Match on Receipt) for any of the Order Shipments
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Shipments
Go to More Tab “Invoice Match Option” Should Not be Receipt.
Creating ASBN/ASN
Supplier (Office Supplies Inc) Login to iSupplier Portal Using User ID and Password
Responsibility: iSupplier Portal Full Access
Navigation: iSupplier Portal Full Access —> Shipments —>Shipment Notices —>Create Advance Shipment Billing Notices
Select the PO Line and Click Add to Shipment Notice.
Add Line Details
Click Shipment Header
Enter Shipment Information
Enter Freight Information
Enter Invoice Information (only Differentiator between ASN and ASBN)
If Required Change the Remit to Site Address\
Click Submit
1.       Oracle Has Provision to Upload ASN/ASBN through Supplier Portal (Front End).
2.       The application does not allow users to validate the Invoice Amount while creating an ASBN fromiSupplier Portal.(Doc ID 457937.1)
3.       Duplicate Invoice Numbers in Billing Information Shall be validated with Patch. ASBN Upload Allows Duplicate Invoice Numbers To Be Submitted For Processing. (Doc ID 2002989.1.)
4.       ASBN with Zero as Invoice Amount Should be Allowed. Patch ASBN Not Created When The Amount To Be Invoiced Is Zero (Doc ID 1420727.1)

Oracle Landed Cost Management Tables and Views with Description

Primary Registration Name GSTIN in First Party Registraion -GST India – Oracle Financials for India

As per The Statutory requirement an Organization Should Obtain Various Registration as and When Intimated by Statutory Bodies.
In India Currently There are Below Mentioned Registration Numbers an Organization Needs to Get for Formally Starting a Business.
1. PAN – Permanent Account Number
2. ECC – Excise Control Code Number
3. SVC – Service Tax Registration
4. TAN – Tax Deduction and Collection Number
5. TIN – Taxpayer Identification Number
6. VAT – Value Added Tax Registration Number
And Now From With the GST Implementation all Business Should Migrate From Excise and VAT Regime to GST Regime with GSTIN
7. GSTIN – Goods and Service Tax Identification Number
Please Note NOT all these are required for all Types of Business and Registration Type Various with Each type of Business an Organization is involved.
In Oracle R12.X.X the GSTIN is captured as Primary Registration of an Organization in First Party Registration form.
In case the Primary Registration Name LOV is Not Showing the GSTIN, it can be Created in the Lookup Type “JAI_REGISTRATION_TYPES”.
First Party Registration Form Primary Registration Name LOV Not Showing GSTIN
Below are the Setup Steps for Getting GSTIN Registration Type as Primary Registration Name in Oracle R12.
Navigate to Asia/Pacific Lookups in India Local Responsibility.
Query for Lookup Type “JAI_REGISTRATION_TYPES”. This Extensible Lookup and Seeded Values are
 1.ECC Number
2.PAN Number
3.Service Tax Number
4.TAN Number
5.TIN Number
Add the Required Code, Meaning and Description in Lookups.
Now Check in First Party registration form in oracle Financials for India.
LOV is Now Showing GSTIN in Primary Registration Name. Relevant Information’s can be added in the first party Registration Form.

Unable to View Move Orders Created By Other Users – Oracle Inventory

Reason :

In the Move Orders form (INVTOMAI), when using the Find function, the Created By field cannot be changed. For this reason, move orders from other users cannot be queried.


A. Define the INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR function if is does not already exist:
  1. Navigate: System Administrator > Application > Function
  2. Enter Function Name: INV_INVTOMAI_CREATOR
  3. Enter User Function Name: ‘Move Orders Creator’
  4. Under the Properties tab, enter Type: Subfunction
  5. Enter Maintenance Mode support: None
  6. Enter Context Dependence: Responsibility
  7. Save
B. Assign the function to the Menu you are using:
  1. Navigate System Administrator > Application > Menu
  2. Query for menu ‘INV_MOVE_ORDER’
  3. Add a new line to the menu:
    Prompt: ‘Move Order Creator’
    Function: select ‘Move Orders Creator’ from the LOV
    Description: ‘Move Orders Creator’
  4. Save
The Created By field in the Move Order find form should now be enabled and modifiable. 
Note: Please Logout and Login to apps for the Changes to take Effect.

Oracle Inventory Move Orders

The move order was first introduced in 11i and are formal request to transfer material within same inventory organization.

There are Four types of move orders

  • Requisition Move Order
  • Replenishment Move Orders
  • Pick Wave Move Orders
  • WIP Issue Move Orders

Requisition move orders are manually created by users. You can set approval conditions for it at organization parameters like move order timeout period and move order time out action. if these conditions are set then unless it is approved by planner you can not transact it. You can allocate material before transacting the move order

Replenishment move order is auto generated move order from inventory replenishment methods like Min Max planning, Kanan replenishment etc. These move orders are preapproved and generated when material is sourced from another sub-inventory for same inventory organization

Pick Wave move orders are generated in Order management application. Pick release process generates the pick wave move order to move material from source to staging sub inventory. This is also an pre approved move order.

 WIP Issue Move Orders are automatically generated for backflush transfer and component issue transactions in pre approved status.

How to Automate the Approval of Move Order Requisition:

Move Order Approval Can be Automated by Setting the Organization Parameter Values as Below.

Move Order TIme Out Period – 0
Move Order Time Out Action – Approve Automatically

Tables That Store Move Order Details


Profile Option Affecting Move Order Processing

TP:INV Move Order Transact Form 

This Profile Option allows the Move Order transaction mode to be set as Online, Background or Concurrent Request.

HSN Code in Oracle Apps R12 -GST for India

Whats is HSN?

The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System generally referred to as “Harmonized System of Nomenclature” or simply “HSN” is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).

It comprises about 5,000 commodity groups; each identified by a six digit code, arranged in a legal and logical structure and is supported by well-defined rules to achieve uniform classification.

The HS contributes to the harmonization of Customs and trade procedures, and the non-documentary trade data interchange in connection with such procedures, thus reducing the costs related to international trade.

In Indian Context, a taxpayer having a turnover exceeding Rs 5 crore is required to follow the HSN code of 4 digits.

For taxpayers with turnover between Rs 1.5 Crores and Rs 5 Crores in the preceding financial year, HSN codes may be specified only at 2-digit chapter level as an optional exercise to start with.

Indian authorities have further categorized six digit HSN into another two digit sub chapter,thus making total number of digit to be eight. This eight digits code will be mandatory in case of export and imports under the GST regime.     

How to Create HSN Codes in Oracle Apps?

HSN Codes are Created as Repoting Codes in Oracle Financials for India.

Navigation:Oracle Financials for India —>Reporting —>Define Reporting Types

The Seeded Reporting Type Code is “GST_HSN_CODE” With Usage as Legal Reporting and Entity as Item.

We can Create HSN Codes Here and Later Attached to Items.


How to Attach HSN Code in Item Master Oracle apps?

HSN Codes are Attached to Items During Item Classification as a Part of Localization.

Navigation : Oracle Financials for India —>Item Definition—>Define Item Classification



Define Sales Order

A seller-generated document that authorizes sale of the specified item(s), issued after receipt of a customer’s purchase order. 

A sales order usually implies that there will be no additional labor or material cost incurred for the sale, except where it is used to initiate a production process. 

The Sales order, sometimes abbreviated as SO, is an order issued by a business to a customer. A sales order may be for products and/or services

Oracle Applications- Enabling Cancel Query option for EBS Forms

In Large organizations where there are a large number of Master/Transaction Datas, Forms tend to be Slower due to Data base Query running on background.

Some times when we query form with higher data results in form hangs and leaves us with option to wait until the background process is completed to show the data.

sometimes in transaction/master form when we execute a Wrong query, that leaves us to wait until the data is shown to modify or cancel the Query.

Oracle apps allows end users to cancel long Running Queries, when these operation exceed a threshold of time. A dialog box will display that ask/allow to cancel the query.

To Enable this option Set the Profile option FND:Enable Cancel Query as Yes 

This Profile option can be set at Site, Application ,Responsibility and User Level

By Setting this profile option to yes, It will Pop a Button and ask for Pressing the Button to cancel the Query


This Solution May not be Applicable in all the oracle apps form, but certainly works in almost all seeded forms.

Item Master Form with Large Data Asking for Cancelling the Database Query Action.

Oracle Princing Manager- Round to in Price List

The Round To value defines the number of places to the right or left of the decimal point to which the pricing engine rounds prices from price lists and modifiers from modifier lists:
A positive number indicates the number of places to the left of the decimal point. A negative number indicates number of places to the right of the decimal point. The default is -2.
If multicurrency is enabled, the Round To field will be disabled and will reflect the Round To value defined for the Multi-Currency Conversion window

The pricing engine rounds the base price and all discount amounts before using them in calculations.

The value returned depends on the value that was set for the profile option QP: Unit Price Precision Type:

  • Standard: The rounding factor defaults to the currency’s precision value. You can override the rounding factor to any value greater than or equal to the currency’s precision value.
  • Extended: The rounding factor defaults to the currency’s extended precision value. You can override the rounding factor to any value greater than or equal to the currency’s extended precision value.