Units of Measurement Conversion

Unit of measure conversions are numerical factors that enable you to perform transactions in units other than the primary unit of the item being transacted.
Conversion Can be

1.       a conversion common to any item

2.       a conversion for a specific item within a unit of measure class (Intra-class)
3.       a conversion for a specific item between unit of measure classes (Inter-class)
Unit of measure conversions are not organization-specific

Oracle E Business Suite Navigation

Inventory —>Setup —>Units of Measure –> Conversions


UOM Classes In Oracle R12

Units of Measure Class:

Units of Measure Class is a Group of Unit of Measure with Similar Characteristics.

Units of measure classes is the first step in unit of measure management.

Each units of measure defined must belong to a unit of measure class.

Each class has a base unit of measure

The base unit of measure is used to perform conversions between units of measure in the class

The base unit of measure should be representative of the other units of measure in the class, and generally one of the smaller units

Units of measure classes are not organization-specific
Oracle R12 Navigation for UOM Class Creation 
Inventory —>Setup —>Units of Measure—>Classes 

How to Create ASN and ASBN in Oracle R12

Advance Shipment and Billing Notices

Important Points for Creating ASBN

1.       Supplier cannot be flagged for pay on receipt.
2.       The consigned flag cannot be equal to ‘Y’.
3.       The match option cannot be equal to ‘R’ (Match on Receipt) for any of the Order Shipments

1.       Create an PO With Multiple Shipments
2.       Approve
Supplier cannot be flagged for pay on receipt.
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Terms —> “Pay On” Should be Null
The consigned flag cannot be equal to ‘Y’.
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Shipments
Go to More Tab “Consigned” Flag Should be Null.

4.       The match option cannot be equal to ‘R’ (Match on Receipt) for any of the Order Shipments
Navigation: Purchasing —> Purchase orders —> Purchase orders —> Shipments
Go to More Tab “Invoice Match Option” Should Not be Receipt.
Creating ASBN/ASN
Supplier (Office Supplies Inc) Login to iSupplier Portal Using User ID and Password
Responsibility: iSupplier Portal Full Access
Navigation: iSupplier Portal Full Access —> Shipments —>Shipment Notices —>Create Advance Shipment Billing Notices
Select the PO Line and Click Add to Shipment Notice.
Add Line Details
Click Shipment Header
Enter Shipment Information
Enter Freight Information
Enter Invoice Information (only Differentiator between ASN and ASBN)
If Required Change the Remit to Site Address\
Click Submit
1.       Oracle Has Provision to Upload ASN/ASBN through Supplier Portal (Front End).
2.       The application does not allow users to validate the Invoice Amount while creating an ASBN fromiSupplier Portal.(Doc ID 457937.1)
3.       Duplicate Invoice Numbers in Billing Information Shall be validated with Patch. ASBN Upload Allows Duplicate Invoice Numbers To Be Submitted For Processing. (Doc ID 2002989.1.)
4.       ASBN with Zero as Invoice Amount Should be Allowed. Patch ASBN Not Created When The Amount To Be Invoiced Is Zero (Doc ID 1420727.1)

Oracle Landed Cost Management Tables and Views with Description